Dr. Shirish Valsangkar
Dr. Valsangkar Shirish Padmakar’s clinic in Solapur City, Solapur, is well-equipped with latest equipment. The clinic features separate waiting and consulting areas, providing ample space for patients to wait comfortably. The doctor provides a variety of medical services as a specialised General Physician Doctor. Neurology and Preventive Medicine are two examples.
Dr. Shirish Valsangkar attended D B F Dayanand College of Arts and Science in Solapur and graduated with honours. Pre-degree science was passed with honours, and pre-professional was passed with honours, and medical education was finished at Dr. V M Medical College in Solapur. They earned their MBBS, MD, and MRCP from Shivaji University and the Royal College of Physicians in London, respectively. They can communicate in four languages: Marathi, Kannada, English, and Hindi.
1. Compulsory Rotary Internship Intern, CPR Hospital-Kolhapur ( 01/07/78 to 31/12/78)
2. Intern , Primary Health Centre, Kurduwadi ( 01/01/79 to 30/06/79)
3. Three years post-graduate training in General Hospital, Solapur ( Dr V M Medical College-Solapur ) Culminating MD
4. Resident Senior Registrar (Dept. of Neurology) Bombay Hospital, Bombay ( Non-teaching but recognized by National Board of Neurology, New Delhi for Specialist Training in Neurology ( 07/05/1983 to 22/12/1983).
5. Locum Consultant Neurologist – Bombay Hospital, Bombay ( 08/05/1983 to 23/05/1983 and 10/11/1983 to 20/11/1983).
1. Honorary Registrar – Maida Vale Neurological Hospital London – W9 1TL
(02/04/1984 to 03/05/1984)
2. Locum Registrar to the regional department of Neurology – Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, Derby DE12 QY ( 17/05/1984 to 10/06/1984)
3. Locum Senior House Officer in Neurosurgery and Neurology at Medical Centre for Neurosurgery and Neurology –Smethwick Warley , West Midland B67 7JX
4. Locum Registrar in Medical Neurology, Northern General Hospital- Edinburgh (01/08/84 to 31/08/84)
5. Senior House officer in Neurology, Pinderfields General Hospital , Aberford Road Wakefield WF 14DG(01/09/84 to 13/12/84).
6. Registrar in Neurology, Midland Centre for Neurosurgery and Neurology, Holly Lane Smethwick, Warley, West Midland B67 JX (01/01/85 to 30/04/87)
1] CSF LDH and its isoenzymes in Tuberculosis and Pyogenic Meningitis Thesis accepted
for MC
2] “Treatment of Interactable Epilepsy” by Dr B.S.Singhal and Dr Shirish Valsangkar
Published in “Symposium on Epilepsy” Chennai 1983.
3] Neurocysticercosis -The Midland Experience published at Midland Neurological
Society Meeting UK
4] “Seizures induced by Sunlight” presented at Indian Epilepsy association meeting at
5] “FDP in strokes- Its utility in indicating the prognosis” presented in Delhi Neurology
6] Malignant irreversible global cerebral edema as a complication of fourth ventricular arachnoid cyst June 2012
7] Primitive neuroectodermal tumour presenting as Meningioma